Live Auction - The Happy Horse Fund Image
We LOVE our horses! The Talisman horses provide the foundation of the Talisman Programs. Without our amazing horse partners, Talisman could not function to serve the community and many deserving participants. 
We rely on the generous support of our donors, sponsors, and contributors to maintain the operations that keep the barn doors open and allow access to our programs. 
The health and happiness of our herd is of the utmost importance! Unlike most traditional therapeutic services, Talisman employs a specialized staff of horses with around-the-clock needs. These essential staff members reside at the facility 365 days a year, and accept board, food, and treats as their payment for services. This herd of horses under our stewardship is vital to the success of our programs. As such, we provide them with best the care we can offer. Employing horses comes at a significant cost and is highly subject to fluctuations in cost-of-living. 

$1,000 gives our horses 80 bales of hay. (Our herd consumes 70 bales of hay a month!)
$1,000 gives our horses three farrier visits. (Each one of our horses requires 12 farrier visits per year. A farrier is the person puts shoes on our horses, and trims their hooves.)
$1,000 gives our horses two months of grain. 
$1,000 provides annual wellness checkups and required vaccines for six of our horses. (We have 12 horses at Talisman!)
$1,000 allows Ralph six months of retirement at Talisman. While Ralph is retired, he still receives the best care and attention from our staff. 
Please support our horses' health and happiness by helping pay for feed, hay, veterinary care, farrier services, proper equipment, and ... treats!

Live Auction - The Happy Horse Fund

Item #87

$1,000 - 16 bids

Part of live auction

