Live Auction - Talisman Heroes on Horses Program Image
Give to those who have given the most! The Heroes on Horses Program supports active-duty military, veterans of the armed forces, the National Guard, first responders, and front-line health care workers. 

Talisman provides equine-assisted therapeutic activities to participants via retreat-based sessions, and the Therapeutic/Adaptive Horsemanship Lesson Program. Talisman is honored to support the many different people and groups requesting services in our community. 

$3,000 gives 10 Heroes on Horses participants the opportunity to reconnect and empower themselves through our guided horsemanship retreats.
$300 gives one Heroes on Horses participant the ability to regain focus and self-confidence through skills learned in our guided horseman retreats.
$3,000 allows one Heroes on Horses participant to receive a year of therapeutic horsemanship lessons.
$1,500 allows one Heroes on Horses participant to receive six months of therapeutic horsemanship lessons.
$750 allows one Heroes on Horse participant to receive three months of lessons.

Equine-assisted therapeutic activities and exposure to the outdoors can offer many benefits:
  • Emotional and psychological support: Horses can be a calming and therapeutic presence, providing emotional support and helping veterans cope with symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and depression.
  • Physical strength: Riding horses can help improve core strength, balance, and coordination, and can also be a fun and engaging form of exercise.
  • Improved social connections: Participating in equine-assisted activities can help veterans connect with other people, build friendships, and develop a sense of community.
  • Sense of accomplishment: Learning to ride and care for a horse can be a challenging yet rewarding experience for veterans, allowing them to develop new skills and a sense of personal achievement.
  • Relaxation and stress reduction: Spending time with horses and in nature can help veterans reduce stress, improve mood, and increase overall well-being.

Live Auction - Talisman Heroes on Horses Program

Item #83

$3,000 - 19 bids

Part of live auction

